
We went to see Avatar with a lot of anticipation after hearing a lot of kudos for the movie....

The good...
-The amazing CGI. The facial expressions of the na'vi were amazingly well captured.
-The amazing scenery and the imaginative use of land - imagine a mountain floating in the air and a water fall on that mountain! or imagine the earth using roots of trees to communicate with the people
-The IMAX effect. You fly as they fly on the birds and you plummet as they plummet - awesome experience
-The cat-like lithe effect of the Na'vi - I want to move like them!

The bad...
-The 3-D effect wasn't really complete. On comparing it to ... say Journey to the Center of the Earth, or even Harry Potter - this didn't have rocks falling on you...
-The bland expressions on almost everybody except for Sam Worthington and Stephen Lang.
-The length of the movie - definitely parts could have been cut to make it crisper
-The movie was predictable

The ugly...
-The dialogue was, at best cliched and in some places boring.

Thank you for reading.


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