The Bucket Cruise
June 2012: This year is a milestone year for our friends Srini and Rajiv and we had been talking for a long time in combining our vacations to have a mega vacation. Ideas bandied about were skiing or a cruise. Of course the "majority" vote and common sense prevailed, and the cruise won.
The Srikanth couple are in the organizing mood again. Srikanth sent out a notification that we need to make plans fast as ticket opportunities were drying up. We immediately had to have dinner (at The Pethes) and decided on the cruise. A memorable discussion and decision. Not many discussions between us happen without a lot of laughter. This was no exception.
Srikanth's bucket list included a cruise from San Juan (eastern caribbean). Sanjay's bucket list included taking his kids to Louisiana. Srikanth got his wish as that cruise seemed to be the best deal. The Singhs had unfortunately set their sites on skiing and so bowed out of the cruise. We will miss them, but will make sure to involve them as much as possible.
A chai at the Avantsas resulted in flight plans, and an elaborate (albeit necessary) schedule involving us driving to ft lauderde .... In FLORIDA ..... AGAIN to take the flight to San Juan. Anu will have to fly as we are concerned she won't be able to handle the drive. However, Sanjay gets to knock off 'drive through Louisiana' off his bucket list.
We'll have to meet to decide on the shore excursions and our packing list etc. The excitement is on!
August, 2012: we have come to realize that hotels in San Juan are being lapped up like tickets to the Olympics (well at least the pre-olympics media impression). So Srikanth's stepped in and made those reservations or us and the Pethe's. Avantsa's made theirs too... More excitement to come!
Sep 2012: school has started. We are not thinking about cruises now but rather surviving this thing called high school! This is a long tunnel. Kudos to all our high schoolers and our middle schooler. What a ride! With a senior, a junior, and three freshmen, high school has become the next challenge to overcome.
Oct 2012: every weekend seems to have something associated with it. This being festival season just exacerbates the situation! We cannot get twelve people in one room together to talk about the cruise! Finally we decide to use a spreadsheet (yes THAT word again! Lol). Sujatha's spreadsheets are needed ....again.
Nov 1st: that spreadsheet actually became a google form (quite a useful tool). This is a form that will let all 12 sailors record their trip excursion choices at each port. This will allow us then to tabulate the most popular choice (and the most economical) and then book the excursions from there. Srini has opted to tabulate (and lead the get-out-the-vote campaign). This list of choices took extensive research and whittling down of choices to just 6 things for each port. This cruise starts in San Juan and then goes to St. Thomas, St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Kitts and St. Maarten - quite a packed trip indeed. The voting begins! We need to make quite a bit of headway between now and 11/14 when Anu leaves for India. We then see Srikanth in India as well - until dec 14th! Yikes! So we are not likely to have all 12 of us get together before the cruise.
Dec 8th - we get together today (sans Srikanth) to bring in my birthday. Priti and Anu are graciously coming together to make this special for me. I feel so blessed! We will hopefully iron out all details and be ready ready ready! In the meantime Rajiv was very worried that we wouldn't make it to his annual New Year's Eve party. I promised him that we would do our level best. This is our incentive to drive back.
There is of course a little trepidation on how this will all go and hopes that the Pethe's Srikanth's and Avantsa's remain friends after the long drives and 7 days in close proximity. However since this is a cruise we think we can handle it.
Week of dec 17th: Tickets bought (Sanjay and Srini chipped in and made all that happen!), excursions decided, packing lists made, things bought (lots of buying), snack plans made, cars readied.... All done with finals week at school too! What a week!
December 21st: driving day! Several phone calls later, packing has been done, cars loaded, and we are off!!! We are driving through Louisiana with Srikanth driving all girls in a car and the rest of the boys ganged up in the Pethe mobile. The kids are just exhausted from a brutal finals week and deserve this much needed break. We can't wait to see Anu tomorrow and be on our way to Puerto Rico (San Juan). 2 days to sailing!
The phrase for this trip is "are you weaving?" This is a phrase for the anecdotal archives - Prithi (driving the Srikanth mobile) was trying to follow Sanjay (in the Pethe mobile). We had stopped for dinner as we were stuck in traffic in baton rouge. Sanjay suggested it would be better to eat while waiting out the traffic than sit in traffic. Sanjay and Prithi then had us head out of Baton Rouge - and Sanjay was reprimanded for 'weaving'! He was then reprimanded for not changing lanes while we were on a 2 lane road! So his response was "I didn't change lanes because you told me not to weave!"
Here was one of the rest/dinner/gas stops enroute to Florida. We tended to overwhelm the restaurants pretty much everywhere we went, but enjoyed ourselves too much to let anything bother us!
December 22nd: 6:30 am (local time). We are in Florida and have been in this state since about 12:30 am (central). We are about 250 miles away from ft lauderdale - all drivers have had a chance to push us forward. Srikanth and Srini drive in tandem. Sanjay took over for the 'boy' car while priti and I (Sujatha) serve as filler drivers in the 'girl' car. The cars somehow got termed that way and the names stuck. We are not sure if Sanjay will have the patience to drive tandem with us girls - but we are not going to ask for fear of an honest answer.
December 22nd pm: we reached Miami after what seemed like an interminable drive down the Florida turnpike. Sanjay drove faster than his normal so we could get to Miami once we knew Anu had landed. We picked up Anu amongst a lot of excitement and were able to get here to the airport. Our flight is delayed by an hour. Everyone is tired and can't wait to get to San Juan and to our hotel room. The flight to San Juan was eventless - the seating took care of itself. The girls, as usual sat next to each other and started on our raucous laughter. Luckily we fell asleep and didn't embarrass our families too much. Landing in San Juan was pretty as we landed from the ocean.
Once we got to the hotel, we gawked as tourists are so often characterized. There were women dressed in finery out and about in town. Heels were a minimum of 6 inches long and dresses barely reached below the derrière - some women pulled off their looks with aplomb. We were too tired to do anything and so retired for the night much the the disappointment of Sanjay who wanted to go out about town.
Dec 23rd: San Juan - boarding day. We were to meet downstairs at 9 am for bfast. The Pethe's and Srikanth's made it, and then the Avantsas made it after a little nudge. As usual our party made a lot of noise at the breakfast table. We took a taxi to el morro - a fort in San Juan with breathtaking scenery. The vistas offered plenty of photo taking opportunities that were not to be missed. The kids were like pirates that found vast bounty and were running around watched by an indulgent Sanjay "the Labrador non-retriever". We walked to the San cristobal fort and decided to that one as well. Again the view of the Atlantic going on forever over the horizon highlighted the immense power of nature. We learned a lot about the history of the area and the different powers that fought for that little piece of 'rich' land. The kids then decided they HAD to have ice cream. We then walked the entire length of old San Juan to get to the Ben and Jerry's store. The ice cream hit the spot. We had to discuss the driving methods on the island - the cars were built to drive on the right side of the road, but drive on the left! As we wended our way to the ship to board, we finished up the souvenir shopping as needed - the boys loaded up on the much desired alcohol and then we set to board. The boarding process was not unlike boarding a flight - we checked in and put our bags through an X-ray machine. This X-ray machine of course was also used to tag bags that had alcohol in them. 2 of our 4 bags containing alcohol were tagged as luck would have it. Our entrepreneurial engineers however had other ideas. They were resourceful and knowledgable enough to cut the tags prior to the alcohol confiscation area and nothing got confiscated! Once in board, there was still some housekeeping to do. We had to make sure that the rooms were tied to the right occupants. This had been mixed up during the booking so that we could take advantage of the Avantsa cruise points earned from their previous cruise to the Caribbean. We got to the room, and decided that we'd snack, unpack, and then have dinner. The 'snack' of course turned into dinner. Kids discovered 'shaan' burgers and pizza and the fun started. All 6 kids get along with each other in different combinations that we adults did not need to know what they were doing or where they were. The party on the carnival victory was on!
Ready to board the ship... grins spanned from ear to ear :) |
Dec 25th - Christmas Day at sea. This promised to be a lazy day, and didn't disappoint - we woke up late, had breakfast, wandered around, used the facilities to the best of our abilities. We caught a christmas show in the afternoon much to Priti's delight. She felt the ship was bereft of christmas spirit as there was no service or mass offered for christmas. The show did the trick. This was also the first formal captains dinner day and we had to have photo sessions with different combinations of people and families. With the number of cameras in our group and the number of photos in each camera, we probably would have at least 5000 pictures - a conservative estimate. The cruise also had a 'song and dance' show every night and we caught the first of many. The victory dancers are incredibly athletic to be able to dance gracefully in a moving ship.
Wednesday dec 26th - Bridgetown - Barbados: we docked early in the morning and decided to relax on getting out of the ship. The 6 kids, Srikanth and Pethe had a snorkeling excursion arranged. We debarked in time for the excursion. Snorkeling was not the preferred activity for the 4 remaining adults and so the rest of us were just going to check out the town. This also worked out really well as Anu sprained her neck. She had gotten out of bed in haste to check up on Mihir and missed a step. Ouch! So she needed to be back for a spa appointment for a massage with a physical therapist at 3pm.
Thursday December 27th - St. Lucia: the approach to this island is mesmerizing in its beauty and will remain in my mind for a long time indeed. We docked at Castries - their capital. We hadn't booked an excursion and so went outside the terminal ready to bargain with cab drivers. As luck would have it, the men were able to book a sightseeing tour where we had an entire 15-seater bus to ourselves! Our driver Mervin Arthur was extremely knowledgeable and patiently answered our umpteen questions with a smile. We decided that islanders (carib-indians) had the best attitude about life and were so friendly that we couldn't help but be friendly back. We also loved his carib accent and started to imitate his speaking style!
This was another captains dinner night and we were back to dressing up in our finery. We also managed to get some pictures of the sunset as we left port, on top of getting pictures dressed up. The cruise dinners were marvelous and the serving staff assigned to our table obliged by offering to bring indian food everyday - something different. Priti and Anu drooled over the possibilities - from goanese fish to chicken tikka to biriyani the food was abundant. We found ourselves ordering more than one starter, sometimes more than one entree. The dinner desserts were heavenly. The Avantsa's and Srikanth's managed to collect 6 liqueur glasses in all this excitement.
The three "musketeers" on the train ride. |
Saturday Dec 29th - St. Maarten: At first this seemed to be just another island in the Caribbean until we started looking around. This was an island with beautiful homes and vistas. We went on a coastline hike along goat paths over the mountains that overlooked the ocean. We got to enjoy the scenery while marveling at the piece of paradise. This would be a great place to retire - although expensive compared to the other islands we visited. The houses were MUCH more expensive. However we have now tasked the kids with earning enough to afford houses here. What a thought! Tourism is the mainstay of the island and they put a lot of effort into the service industry. The kids went to the beach and had a great time before we broke up and went back to the ship for the last night on the ship.
Our table team... such a happy bunch! |
We tried to pack as much as we could so that we egress smoothly from the ship. Our baggage had to be outside the room by 11pm so that we did not need to lug it the next morning. We had to be out of our room by 8:30 but could not leave the ship until our luggage tag number was called. The mood got a bit somber as everything was coming to an end. We had had a wonderful 7 days on the Victory and were very pleased with our vacation and especially with the fact that we had very little to dislike about the whole trip. We got to learn each others strengths and quirks and learnt to look past our idiosyncrasies. What a close group we have become. Rajiv and Susan would have really enjoyed this too.
Sunset over the beautiful Caribbean - Goodbye cruise! |
The men being the champion drivers they are have driven in record time - 1208 miles in just under 20 hours (we made up an hour due to the time difference - but who's counting!). Are we all still close friends??? You bet!!! Closer than before ;) :)
Thank you for reading.
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