the panic attack!

The Monday of the trip is when I started to stress out. Suvedh was running a temperature. We had had a full weekend - meeting around 30 families in the space of 3 days. Foolish perhaps in the light of an impending trip. However, we can't resist the pull of friends. So all the socializing combined with a shared bug or two resulted in a feverish Suvedh.

Tuesday brought even worse news. This time Srikanth also came down with a bug. I rushed Suvedh to the Dr. while Srikanth rushed himself to the Dr. As usual, Bucher's office was unresponsive, and so Srikanth had to pick another Dr. willing to give him an early appointment.

Suvedh's issue turned out to be viral... type-A - yup the panic making variety. He was immediately put on tamiflu - JIC. Srikanth's turned out to be bacterial, and so he went on antibiotics. Just when I thought we had it under control, Sanjana got sick on Wednesday. We were leaving Thursday. Luckily, my wonderful pediatrician saw her immediately, and got her started on anti-biotics too!

In the meantime, we were on a OJ/Vitamins/do-anything-to-get-better diet! Thursday came along, and we were able to board the flight with no issues. I was on tenterhooks until we landed, and were out of customs!

Thank you for reading.


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